The Prophecies Of Mitar Tarabicrejected Scriptures

The Parable of the Wicked Tenants

5 This is what the LORD says: “As for the prophets who lead my people astray, they proclaim ‘peace’ if they have something to eat, but prepare to wage war against anyone who refuses to feed them. 6 Therefore night will come over you, without visions, and darkness, without divination. Prophecies from 1945 to 2100. Mitar Tarabich (1829–1899), was an illiterate peasant from the small Serbian village of Kremna, who experienced occasional prophetic visions. Being a religious person, he told his godfather, a local Serbian orthodox priest, about his experiences of ‘seeing into the future’.

12At harvest time, he sent a servant to the tenants to collect his share of the fruit of the vineyard.…
  • is a platform for academics to share research papers.
  • Mitra, in the pantheon of Vedic Hinduism, one of the gods in the category of Adityas, sovereign principles of the universe. He represents friendship, integrity, harmony, and all else that is important in the successful maintenance of order in human existence.
Berean Study Bible · Download

Isaiah 5:1
I will sing for my beloved a song of his vineyard: My beloved had a vineyard on a very fertile hill.
Isaiah 5:2
He dug it up and cleared the stones and planted the finest vines. He built a watchtower in the middle and dug out a winepress as well. He waited for the vineyard to yield good grapes, but the fruit it produced was sour!
Matthew 13:3
And He told them many things in parables, saying, 'A farmer went out to sow his seed.
Matthew 21:33
Listen to another parable: There was a landowner who planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a winepress in it, and built a tower. Then he rented it out to some tenants and went away on a journey.
Matthew 21:34
When the harvest time drew near, he sent his servants to the tenants to collect his share of the fruit.
Mark 3:23
So Jesus called them together and began to speak to them in parables: 'How can Satan drive out Satan?
Mark 4:2
And He taught them many things in parables, and in His teaching He said,
Mark 11:33
So they answered, 'We do not know.' And Jesus replied, 'Neither will I tell you by what authority I am doing these things.'
Mark 12:2
At harvest time, he sent a servant to the tenants to collect his share of the fruit of the vineyard.
Luke 20:9
Then He proceeded to tell the people this parable: 'A man planted a vineyard, rented it out to some tenants, and went away for a long time.

And he began to speak to them by parables. A certain man planted a vineyard, and set an hedge about it, and dig a place for the winefat, and built a tower, and let it out to farmers, and went into a far country.

he began.

Mark 4:2,11-13,33,34
And he taught them many things by parables, and said unto them in his doctrine, …

Ezekiel 20:49
Then said I, Ah Lord GOD! they say of me, Doth he not speak parables?

Matthew 13:10-15,34,35
And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? …

A certain.

Matthew 21:33-40
Hear another parable: There was a certain householder, which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a winepress in it, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country: …

Luke 20:9-15
Then began he to speak to the people this parable; A certain man planted a vineyard, and let it forth to husbandmen, and went into a far country for a long time…


Psalm 80:8-16
Thou hast brought a vine out of Egypt: thou hast cast out the heathen, and planted it…

Isaiah 5:1-4
Now will I sing to my wellbeloved a song of my beloved touching his vineyard. My wellbeloved hath a vineyard in a very fruitful hill: …

Jeremiah 2:21
Yet I had planted thee a noble vine, wholly a right seed: how then art thou turned into the degenerate plant of a strange vine unto me?

and set.

Nehemiah 9:13,14
Thou camest down also upon mount Sinai, and spakest with them from heaven, and gavest them right judgments, and true laws, good statutes and commandments: …

Psalm 78:68,69
But chose the tribe of Judah, the mount Zion which he loved…

Psalm 147:19,20
He sheweth his word unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel…

and let.

Song of Solomon 8:11,12
Solomon had a vineyard at Baalhamon; he let out the vineyard unto keepers; every one for the fruit thereof was to bring a thousand pieces of silver…

Isaiah 7:23
And it shall come to pass in that day, that every place shall be, where there were a thousand vines at a thousand silverlings, it shall even be for briers and thorns.

and went.

Mark 13:34
For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch.

Prophecies tell the same story – the key to the future is in China and knowing the truth can save your soul

China means ”Middle Kingdom” or ”Center of the World” in Chinese

Here we take a look at the similarities of a few prophecies from ancient times. Our conclusion is that the End of Times have arrived, time has reached the very end of this civilization and the truth is now revealed to more and more people. We go through prophecies from Mitar Tarabic, the Christian Bible, Emmanuel Swedenborg, the Druze religion, the Daoist religion and Edgar Cayce here and we look at their words about China at the End of Times.

Mitar Tarabic (1829-1899)

Mitar Tarabic´s house in Kremna, Serbia

Danieldevotionalonline lutheran bible study

Mitar Tarabic, an illiterate peasant from a small Serbian village called Kremna(see picture above), had experienced occasional prophetic visions during the 19th century. They were written down and they have become very famous due to their very exact prediction of the modern era.

Below our analysis with a focus on the key hints from Tarabic about how to be saved from disaster at the End of Times. Prophecies are riddles and if you find which event the prophet refers to in the human world you will automatically see many truths.

Many events that Tarabic described have already happened and many are ongoing, ie feminism, the electronic age and urbanization. In our humble opinion, since Mr Tarabic has been able to predict mankind´s history very well until now, how about his predictions that nobody analyzed so far, especially his predictions about the wise men from the Orient, the importance of meditation, ”self-knowledge” and belief in God to be saved? These are the very important things that matter for all people.

He says that there will be an ”escape way” for human beings to avoid personal disaster. If you find it you will make it into the future, a wonderful future civilization without wars. If you don´t find it there will be bad news for you. He clearly states that the good way is hard to find for human beings and it´s just in front of them but most people will be focused on other things and don´t listen.

Six hints from Mr Tarabic about the keys to salvation at the End of Times

  • ”There will be many learned men who will think, through their books, that they know and can do everything. They will be the great obstacle for this realization (self-knowledge), but once men get this knowledge then people will see what kind of delusion it was when they listened to their learned men.”

  • ” ”The whole world will be plagued by a strange disease and nobody will be able to find a cure; everybody will say, ’I know, I know, because I am learned and smart’, but nobody will know anything. People will think and think, but they will not be able to find the right cure, which will be with God’s help, all around them and in themselves.”

  • ” Wise men will appear in the Orient, and their wisdom will cross all seas and frontiers, but people will not trust this wisdom for a long time, and this real truth they will proclaim for a lie.”

  • ” ”People will drill wells deep in the ground and dig out gold, which will give them light, speed and power, and the Earth will shed tears of sorrow because there will be much more gold and light on its surface than in its interior.”

  • Those good and wise will see that all this effort and hard work is not worth a penny and that it leads to the destruction of the world, and instead of looking for wisdom in numbers they will start to seek it in meditation. When they start to meditate more, they will be closer to God’s wisdom…”

  • ” Then people will run away from cities to the country and look for the mountains with three crosses, and there, inside, they will be able to breathe and drink water.”

First of all, according to his prophecy we should check the Orient(especially east Asia) and see if we can find any spiritual path which has emerged from there in the last few decades. In reality there is only one spiritual path which has truly become a global phenomenon in a very short time and it´s called Falun Gong and it came out in 1992 in China. Let´s see how Falun Gong matches Tarabic´s predictions.

Falun Gong practitioners meditating in Toronto, Canada

Comparison of Tarabic six hints with Falun Gong

1) In Falun Dafa(Falun Gong) cultivation there is a focus on finding one´s own character flaws which is called ”looking inside”, similar to the ”self-knowledge” that Tarabic describes.

2) In Falun Dafa cultivation there is divine belief just like Tarabic hints about belief in God as a key to curing the strange disease that will come.

3) Falun Dafa spread from China(the Orient) to the West quickly and in the beginning many people were interested. After 1999 when the Chinese Communist Party started their propaganda against Falun Dafa many people didn´t believe in it anymore since the press spread that propaganda too. This is exactly what Tarabic describes when he says that ” people will not trust this wisdom for a long time”.

4) The Falun Dafa practitioners try to spread awareness of Falun Gong to many people during various events in the major cities, at health fairs or other events and this is the true gold that many people don´t notice. Tarabic states: ” there will be much more gold and light on its surface than in its interior”. Does this mean that Falun Gong is the gold? Since the key to survival according to Tarabic is to listen to the truth from Falun Gong practitioners, that should be the real gold in the human world.

5) Falun Dafa includes meditation as a big part of their practice just like Tarabic states that the wise men will try to find wisdom in meditation.

6) Falun Dafa has emphasis on three words: ”Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance”. The three crosses mentioned can be seen as different sufferings in today´s world where lies, selfishness and intolerance seem to be the only way to survive. Tarabic talks about the mountain with three crosses which is the safe place. So it means we should follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance in our daily lives.

Compare this with the Bible: ” In the last days the mountain of the LORD’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will stream to it.”

If we look at the facts about Falun Gong we can see that they all match Tarabic´s hints in more or less obvious ways. Is Falun Gong the way to the future?


Let´s look at some other prophecies and religions and the stunning similarity between their statements.

The Holy Christian Bible about the Son of Man and the Kings of the East

Matt 24:27:

”For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.

Rev 16:12:

”The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East.”

The Druze religion has the following prophecy about the End of Times

”Al Hakkim”(who was the highest God incarnated according to Druze belief) will return and reincarnate a last time in the human world. He will arrive from China at the End-Of-Times to conquer the whole world with an army of 2,5 million followers. He and his disciples will be persecuted but they will prevail.”

As we all know Falun Gong is persecuted in China and many of the practitioners have emigrated from China to other countries. They have held many rallies where they try to spread awareness of the evil persecution in China while clarifying the facts about Falun Gong to the public in the West.

Emmanuel Swedenborg, the great Swedish prophet

Swedenborg said in his book ”True Christianity”: ”Search for it in China” and ”among Swedish cities, the city of Falun is to the east.

In 1992 Falun Gong came out in China and the world learned a new meaning of the word ”Falun” and its connection to the east.

Daoist religion predicts the name of Messiah to be ”Li Hong”

”In Daoism they have prophesied the arrival of a certain ”Li Hong” as the Messiah which will save the chosen people in this world at the end of times. He is regarded as the ideal ruler of the heaven and earth and he will rectify these at the end of this world cycle.”(source: Wikipedia).

The Prophecies Of Mitar Tarabicrejected Scriptures 2017

”The Tao says: If you receive the ten chapters of this sutra… the ten thousand diseases will vanish by themselves… According to your heart´s wishes you will also be able to see the Perfect Lord who is to come. Li Hong” (Source: Anna Seidel)

Daoism is unknown in the West but it´s exact in their prophecy about Messiah. In fact, when Falun Gong was spread in China, there was a Master of Falun Gong called Li Hongzhi that spread all the teachings of Falun Gong. Remarkably, the main book of Falun Gong, Zhuan Falun, has ten lectures just like the Daoist religion predicted, and the practitioners of Falun Gong claim that the health benefits are tremendous.

Edgar Cayce and his prediction about 1999 and China

The following story is relayed from a text on Edgar Cayce:

On one occasion, Cayce told a group of people that eventually China would become “the cradle of Christianity, as applied in the lives of men”, suggesting that the personal application of spiritual principles would become paramount to the Chinese people. Cayce then went on to caution that it would take a long time to manifest but that it was the country’s destiny: “Yea, it is far off as man counts time, but only a day in the heart of God – for tomorrow China will awake.”

Cayce predicted that the so-called ”Battle of Armageddon” described symbolically in the Bible would begin in 1999. Cayce foresaw that this ”battle” will not be a war fought on Earth. Rather, it will be a spiritual struggle between the ”higher forces of light” and ”lower forces of darkness” for 1000 years of Earth time.

Falun Gong came out in China in 1992 and we are convinced that this is the real ”cradle of Christianity” that Cayce mentioned and these people really try hard to follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance in their daily lives. Cayce also foresaw the great spiritual battle, Armageddon, in 1999 when the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) started their evil persecution of Falun Gong in China, affecting 100 million good people. The lower forces of darkness symbolizes the CCP while the higher forces of light symbolizes Falun Gong. This is a persecution of spiritual people which has a scale and brutality never seen before in the human history. It includes live organ harvesting, drug injections and a complete secret police dedicated to persecute Falun Gong. Unofficial reports from hospitals estimate that 2-6 million Falun Gong practitioners were operated to death since 1999 for their organs.

Full version of Mitar Tarabic´s prophecy from World War II below with Editor´s comments.

  1. ”Mitar told me that the man with blue eyes and the star upon his forehead would break the long-lasting love with our Christian Orthodox brothers, the Russians. He would not be grateful to them for the fact that he was sitting on our throne because they had put him there in the first place. A great hatred would erupt between us and the Russians. Blood would be spilled among our people. These wounds would be quickly healed and we would again be friends with the Russians, but never sincerely, only formally, pretending for the sake of others not to understand how we cheat and lie to each other.”(Editor: In 1948 Tito refused to follow Stalin´s orders and he purged his enemies. After Stalin´s death Yugoslavia resumed cooperation with the Russians but still continued relationships with the capitalist countries.)
  1. ”After the Great War, peace will reign all over the world. Many new states will appear…black, white, red and yellow. An international court is formed, which does not allow countries to fight each other. This court will be above all kings. Where a war starts, the court will judge justly, trying to transform hatred and butchery into love and peace. The lucky ones who live to see these times will be more than happy.” (Editor: United Nations was formed. People were happy during these times. Many new nations were accepted into the UN during the 1950s and 1960s.)
  1. ”After a while some great kings, as well as some small ones, will start to fake their respect for the court while doing whatever they please… Many small wars will begin because of this… Thousands upon thousands will die, but there will be no big wars.”
    (Editor: There were Korean war, Vietnam war, Afghanistan war etc.)
  1. ”There will be a few wars around the kingdom of Israel, but sooner or later the peace will come even there. In these wars, brothers fight brothers; then they make peace and kiss each other, but their hatred remains… All these small wars are initiated by the great kingdoms because of their wickedness and malice; those who fight and butcher each other do it because of their blind stupidity.”
    (Editor: Israel had small conflicts but it has remained quite peaceful for a long time. Israel is controlled by the US.)
  2. ”In our country, the time of peace and prosperity will last for a long time. Many a generation will be born to live and die in peace, knowing about war only through wise books, words and different strange apparitions.”

The Prophecies Of Mitar Tarabicrejected Scriptures Pdf

(Editor: The reference to modern technologuy is made here.)

  1. ”Our kingdom will be strong and well loved and respected by everybody. People will eat only white bread and whole wheat just when they want to. Everybody will ride around in carts with no oxen. People will travel in the sky, looking down upon our land as if they had climbed on the doubled Tara Mountain.”

(Editor: People will have cars and there will be planes in the sky.)

  1. ”Serbia will prosper best while the man with blue eyes on a white horse governs, one who will come to Serbia bringing some kind of new religion. He will ascend our throne, and will be strong and healthy, living a long life close to one hundred years. He will very much like to hunt, and one time while hunting he will accidentally fall from his white horse and thus lose his leg. From this wound he will die, not because of his great age.”
    (Editor: Titus came with communism, his own version, he died from diabetes and had problems in his leg.)
  1. ”After him our land will be governed by some kind of commission, but it will never be as it was. Even though the people in our kingdom will forget about misery and hunger and will live in great wealth, brother will start to hate and think evil of brother.”
    (Editor: Yugoslavia is formed.)
  2. ”On our borders and over them a new nation will appear. They will grow like grass after a deluge. They will be good and honest, and they will answer our hatred with reason. They will take care of each other like brothers. And we, because of our madness, shall think that we know everything and that we can do anything, and we shall baptize them with some new fate of ours, but all that will be in vain because they will believe only in themselves and in nobody else. Big trouble will come of it, because this nation will be brave.”

(Editor: The Yugoslavian wars ended in Serbian losses which created many new countries.)

  1. ”Many summers this trouble will last, and nobody will be able to stop it, because that nation will grow like grass. One who will be born many summers after you will be honest and intelligent; he will deal with them in peace. We shall live in peace—they there, us here and there.”
    (Editor: The war lasted five years and split up the ethnic groups.
  2. ”You see, my godfather, when the world starts to live in peace and abundance after the Second Big War, all of that will be just a bitter illusion because many will forget God and they will worship only their own human intelligence… And do you know, my godfather, what is human intelligence compared to God’s will and knowledge? Not even a single drop in the ocean.”
    (Editor: The bitter aftertaste of 70 years with communism and without famine, pestilence or war will have created atheists among the people. And yet human beings know nothing.)
  1. ”Men will build a box and within will be some kind of gadget with images, but they will not be able to communicate with me already dead, even though this image gadget will be as close to this other world as hairs on the human scalp are close to each other. With the help of this image gadget, man will be able to see everything that is happening all over the world.”

(Editor: The gadgets of our modern age will take over, ie mobile phones, computers, Ipads, televisions etc)

  1. ”People will drill wells deep in the ground and dig out gold, which will give them light, speed and power, and the Earth will shed tears of sorrow because there will be much more gold and light on its surface than in its interior. The Earth will suffer because of these open wounds. Instead of working in the fields, people will dig everywhere, in right and wrong places, but the real power will be all around them, not being able to tell them, ’Come on, take me; don’t you see that I am here, all around you?’ Only after many a summer, people will remember this real power, and then they will realize how stupid it was to dig all those holes.”

(Editor: People dig for oil and metals and it creates sorrow for Mother Earth. The real gold and light is around people on the surface but people don´t realize it.)

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  1. ”This power will also be present in people, but it will take a long time before they discover it and use it. Thus man will live for a long, long time, not being able to know himself. There will be many learned men who will think, through their books, that they know and can do everything. They will be the great obstacle for this realization (self-knowledge), but once men get this knowledge then people will see what kind of delusion it was when they listened to their learned men. When that happens, people will be so sorry that they didn’t discover it before, because this knowledge is so simple.

(Editor: When people learn to cultivate themselves, to look inside themselves for their character flaws and try to step out of their conflicts and analyze their own shortcomings, that is when they will find the path to the future. This is a key concept in Falun Dafa cultivation – just my personal opinion and no truth.)

”People will do many stupid things, thinking that they know and can do everything, not knowing anything. Wise men will appear in the Orient, and their wisdom will cross all seas and frontiers, but people will not trust this wisdom for a long time, and this real truth they will proclaim for a lie. Their souls will not be possessed by the Devil, but by something much worse. They will believe that their illusion is the real truth, although there will be no truth in their heads.
(Editor: Wise men will arrive from the far East – China, with deep wisdom. Falun Dafa started to spread in the West from China in the 1990s and in the beginning people were enthusiastic but after the propaganda and persecution of Falun Dafa in China in 1999 by the Chinese Communist Party, many people didn´t believe much in it.

”Here at home it will be the same as all over the world. People will start to hate clean air and this divine freshness and all divine beauty, and will hide in rankness. Nobody will force them to do that, but they will do it of their own free will. Here in Kremna, many a field will become a meadow and many a home will be abandoned, but then those who have left will come back to heal themselves by breathing fresh air. In Serbia, it will not be possible to distinguish a man from a woman. Everybody will dress the same. This calamity will come to us from abroad, but it will stay with us the longest. A groom will take a bride, but nobody will know who is who. People will be lost and more and more senseless day by day. Men will be born not knowing who was their grandfather and great-grandfather. People will think that they know everything, but not a thing they will know.”
(Editor: People will be trapped in the cities and become absolute materialists and atheists. Women will become like men and dress like men and this phenomenon will last for a long time. These people will not respect their ancestors and they won´t have any wisdom.)

  1. ”The Serbs will separate from each other and they will say, ’I am not a Serb; I am not a Serb’. The unholy one will infiltrate this nation and bed with Serbian sisters, mothers and wives. He will sire such children that among the Serbs, since the beginning of the world, these will be the worst of offspring. Only weaklings will be born, and nobody will be strong enough to give birth to a real hero.”

(Editor: The national pride will be lost and multiculturalism will come just like feminism. These people will be the worst ever. No strong heroes will be born.)

  1. ”At one time we shall disappear from this land of ours. We shall go to the north, and then realising our stupid deed we shall return. When we come back, we shall wise up and chase away the unholy one, not to see him, in God’s name, ever again.”

(Editor: The Serbs will emigrate from Serbia, just like what has happened during the last 20 years. After a while they will go back and kill the communist ghost haunting their country.) Easyrad radionic full descargar gratislasopaunder.

  1. ”The whole world will be plagued by a strange disease and nobody will be able to find a cure; everybody will say, ’I know, I know, because I am learned and smart’, but nobody will know anything. People will think and think, but they will not be able to find the right cure, which will be with God’s help, all around them and in themselves.

(Editor: There will only be one cure available for the strange disease at the end of times. That cure comes from God but people will believe in science.)

  1. ”Man will travel to other worlds to find lifeless deserts there, and still, God forgive him, he will think that he knows better than God himself. There, except for the eternal peace of God, he will see nothing, but he will sense with his heart and soul all of God’s beauty and power. People will drive in rigs upon the Moon and stars. They will look for life, but life similar to ours they will not find. It will be there, but they will not be able to understand it and see that it is life. One who goes there, God forgive him, not believing in God as it is proper for an honourable and decent person, when he comes back he will say, ’Oh, you people who mention God’s name with doubt, go there where I was; then you will see what is God’s mind and power’.

(Editor: Man will go to the moon and other planets but won´t find anything. People will take science as their God.)

  1. ”The more people will know, the less they will love and care for each other. Hatred will be so great between them that they will care more for their different gadgets than for their relatives. Man will trust his gadget more than his first neighbour…

The Prophecies Of Mitar Tarabicrejected Scriptures Fulfilled

(Editor: People´s minds will be consumed by their gadgets and they will lose their human nature caring more for a gadget than for his first neighbour.)

  1. ”Among people of a nation far in the north, a little man will appear who will teach men about love and compassion, but there will be many hypocrites around him so that he will have many ups and downs. Not one of these hypocrites will want to know what is real human grace, but his wise books will remain and all the words he will say, and then people will see how self-deceived they were.

(Editor: Someone in the far north will teach people about compassion and his books and words will remain for the future when people will realize their self deception.)

  1. ”Those who will read and write different books with numbers will think that they know the most. These learned men will let their lives be led by their calculations, and they will do and live exactly how these numbers tell them. Among these learned men there will be good and evil men. The evil ones will do evil deeds. They will poison air and water and spread pestilence over the seas, rivers and earth, and people will start to die suddenly of various ailments. Those good and wise will see that all this effort and hard work is not worth a penny and that it leads to the destruction of the world, and instead of looking for wisdom in numbers they will start to seek it in meditation.”

(Editor: The evil men who are learned will start to kill the world´s people by poisoning while the good learned people will start to meditate. )

”When they start to meditate more, they will be closer to God’s wisdom, but it will be too late because the evil ones will already ravage the whole Earth and men will start to die in great numbers. Then people will run away from cities to the country and look for the mountains with three crosses, and there, inside, they will be able to breathe and drink water. Those who will escape will save themselves and their families, but not for long, because a great famine will appear. There will be plenty of food in towns and villages, but it will be poisoned. Many will eat because of hunger and die immediately. Those who will fast to the end will survive, because the Holy Ghost will save them and they will be close to God.

(Editor: People will start to die in great numbers by the evil people´s hands. When they find the holy place with three crosses they will be able to survive for a while. Towns and villages will have poisoned food and many will die from eating it. Those who can fast to the end will survive because the Lord will save them.)

The Prophecies Of Mitar Tarabicrejected Scriptures Verse

  1. ”The greatest and the angriest will strike against the mightiest and the most furious! When this horrible war starts, woe to those armies that fly over skies; better off will be those who fight on ground and water.

(Editor: There will be a great battle in the end.)

  1. ”People waging this war will have their scientists who will invent different and strange cannonballs. When they explode, these cannonballs instead of killing will cast a spell over all that lives—people, armies and livestock. This spell will make them sleep, and sleep they will instead of fighting, and after this they will come back to their senses.

(Editor: There will be strange weapons that make people fall asleep.)

  1. ”We will not fight in this war, but others will do battle over our heads. Burning people will fall from the sky over Pozega [a town in Serbia]. Only one country at the end of the world, surrounded by great seas, as big as our Europe [Australia?], will live in peace, without any troubles… Upon it or over it, not a single cannonball will explode! Those who will run and hide in the mountains with three crosses will find shelter and will be saved to live after in abundance, happiness and love, because there will be no more wars…”

(Editor: There will be explosions in the sky everywhere except over one country(America?). There won´t be any more wars and those saved in the holy mountains will be saved to the future civilization which will be great.)