To Christianall Islamic Content In One Place

The Christian Community in an Islamic Context. Case Study: Rafique in Bangladesh. Three Basic Assumptions of Rafique. Islam has a misunderstanding of the Gospel. The number one stumbling block for Muslims is Christianity. The most effective church planting method must adopt a Jesus Christ plus nothing approach. Christian approach or response to Islam. One way of doing that is to identify some faces of Islam needing responses. I want to suggest four faces of Islam in need of considered Christian responses. These are: (i) The militant and violent face of Islam including Islamic terrorism; (ii) the ideological face of Islam in. Islam is the second largest religion in the world after Christianity, with about 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide. Although its roots go back further, scholars typically date the creation of Islam to.

Mahershala Ali – American actor and first Muslim actor to win an Oscar; Muhammad Ali (born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr., 1942–2016) – converted from Baptist to The Nation of Islam to Sunni Islam; American professional boxer (three-time world heavyweight champion), philanthropist and social activist; Rowland Allanson-Winn, 5th Baron Headley – British soldier and peer. In light of the above features and aspirations, Islam is best positioned to become the dominant belief system in the world, a one-world religion. Surprisingly, instead of being criticised, Islamic expansionism has gained support among the secular Academia, many secular political parties and various social justice movements, derogating all.

Some 1,000 girls are forced to convert to Islam in Pakistan each year, according to a report Monday from the Associated Press (AP).

The forced conversions often take place as a prelude to non-consensual marriages and frequently involve underage girls, AP stated, a practice that has only increased during the long months of coronavirus lockdowns.


“Forced conversions thrive unchecked on a money-making web that involves Islamic clerics who solemnize the marriages, magistrates who legalize the unions and corrupt local police who aid the culprits by refusing to investigate or sabotaging investigations,” AP declared, citing child protection activists.

These conversions and forced marriages are often sanctioned by state authorities, making it particularly difficult to help the victims.

As Breitbart News reported, during the coronavirus lockdown last April, a Muslim man called Mohamad Nakash kidnapped a 14-year-old Christian girl named Maira Shahbaz at gunpoint, gang-raped her with two other accomplices, blackmailed her, and forced her to convert to Islam.

In August, a Pakistani court ruled that Maira had “voluntarily” converted to Islam and therefore is legally married to Mr. Nakash.

Two weeks after the court ruling, Maira escaped from Nakash’s house and informed police of the ongoing abuse she had suffered at his hands. In response, Nakash made death threats against her, accusing her of apostasy, as well as threatening to release videotape of her being gang raped.

In Pakistan, marrying girls under the age of 16 is technically illegal, but activists insist that the Child Marriage Restraint Act is not seriously enforced and Islamic sharia often prevails instead, which allows girls to be married off once they experience their first menstrual cycle.

The United Nations rates Pakistan as one of the worst countries in the world for child brides, with some 3 percent of girls wedded before the age of 15.

In its recent designation of Pakistan as “a country of particular concern” for violations of religious freedoms, the U.S. State Department cited an assessment by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) that underage girls in the minority Hindu, Christian, and Sikh communities were “kidnapped for forced conversion to Islam… forcibly married and subjected to rape.”

In its report, AP said that the girls are often abducted by complicit acquaintances and relatives or “men looking for brides.”

According to one activist, the underage marriage market targets on non-Muslim girls because they are the most vulnerable and the easiest targets.


Frustration. Fatigue. Failure. These emotions overwhelmed me as I stumbled toward the finish line of completing my first ministry term in Bangladesh in 1967.

To Christian All Islamic Content In One Places

And exactly what did I have to report to our friends and churches—faithful supporters for five seemingly interminable years? I could talk about living without electricity and running water in a small village, or about learning a language for which my lungs produced a torrent of air when only a gentle puff was required.

To Christianall Islamic Content In One Place

But what about John 15? The assurance of 'much fruit' had prompted this 24-year-old zealot to take his lovely bride of nine months to a remote village where not one convert from Islam had ever existed. Fruit? What fruit? Not one believer. Not even one inquirer to show for my marathon of perseverance.

After years of even more effort, our team of 21 missionaries embarked into the unknown in 1975. As far as we could research, no one was attempting to design and implement a contextualized way to evangelize Muslims.

We were living in a country of tens of millions of Muslims—but only 100 had come to Christ over the past 50 years. Most of these believers were extracted from their community and financially dependent on the small national church, heavily subsidized by foreigners.

The traditional Bangladeshi church was and is an amalgam of Western and Hindi influences. Iswar, a polytheistic word for 'God,' was the word missionary William Carey chose in the early 1800s while translating the Bible into Bengali. To Hindus, who compose about 10 percent of the Bangladesh population, Iswar is a positive bridge word into the Christian faith. But to Muslims, who compose the other 90 percent, it is abhorrent to think of God in terms of multiplicity ...

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