Apocryphal Books Of Adam And Everejected Scriptures

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  4. Apocryphal Books Of Adam And Eve

The following is a list of all the books of Scripture which have been altered from their originals in significant ways either by rearranging large sections of the book, and/or omitting and/or condensing large amounts of text, and/or adding and/or altering many details to the text, so as to result in copies which differ substantially from the original in major ways:


Old Covenant:

1.Book of the Origins of the Law (Genesis)
2.Book of the Covenant of the Law (Exodus)
3.Book of the Priesthood of the Law (Leviticus)
4.Book of the Calculations of the Law (Numbers)
5.Book of the Song of the Songs of Solomon (Song of Solomon)
6.Book of the Two Books of the Proverbs of Solomon (LXX Proverbs)
7.Book of the Chronicles of David (LXX 1+2 Samuel; Samuel Scroll)
8.Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel and Judah (LXX 1+2 Kings)
9.Book of the Chronicles of Judah (1+2 Chronicles)
10.Book of the Words of Jeremiah (Jeremiah, 1 Baruch, and Letter of Jeremiah)
11.Book of the Lamentations of Jeremiah (Lamentations)
12.Book of the Words of Ezekiel (Ezekiel)
13.Book of the Words of Daniel (LXX Daniel)
14.Book of the Words of Ezra and Nehemiah (LXX 1 Esdras)
15.Book of the Words of Esther (LXX Esther)
16.Book of the Words of Judith (Judith)
17.Book of the Wisdom of Sirach (Ecclesiasticus)
18.Book of the Words of Adam and Eve (Life of Adam and Eve)
19.Book of the Visions of Enoch (2 Enoch)
20.Book of the Words of Enoch the Prophet (1 Enoch)
21.Book of the Words of Aseneth (Joseph and Aseneth)
22.Book of the Last Words of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Testaments of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob)
23.Book of the Last Words of Joseph (Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs)
24.Book of the Last Words of Simeon (Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs)
25.Book of the Last Words of Reuben (Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs)
26.Book of the Last Words of Judah (Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs)
27.Book of the Last Words of Zebulun (Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs)
28.Book of the Last Words of Dan (Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs)
29.Book of the Last Words of Gad (Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs)
30.Book of the Last Words of Issachar (Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs)
31.Book of the Last Words of Asher (Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs)
32.Book of the Last Words of Naphtali (Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs)
33.Book of the Last Words of Benjamin (Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs)
34.Book of the Last Words of Levi (Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs)
35.Book of the Last Words of Solomon (Testament of Solomon)
36.Book of the Words of Elijah (Apocalypse of Elijah)
37.Book of the Words of Tobit (Tobit)
38.Book of the Visions of Isaiah (Martyrdom and Ascension of Isaiah)
39.Book of the Wisdom of Ahikar (Ahikar)
40.Book of the Visions of Jeremiah (Apocryphon of Jeremiah)
41.Book of the Visions of Baruch (2 Baruch, 3 Baruch, and 5 Baruch)
42.Book of the Visions of Ezra (2 Esdras)
43.Book of the Words of Baruch (4 Baruch)
44.Book of the Oracles of the Sibyls (Sibylline Oracles)
45.Book of the Chronicles of the Twenty Four Prophets (Lives of the Prophets)

New Covenant:

1.Book of the Proclamation of Mark (Mark)
2.Book of the Proclamation of Matthew (Matthew)
3.Book of the Proclamation of Luke (Luke)
4.Book of the Proclamation of John (John)
5.Book of the Chronicles of the Apostles (Codex Bezae Acts)
6.Letter of Ignatius to the Church Blessed by God Dwelling At Ephesus (Ig. Ephesians)
7.Letter of Ignatius to the Church Blessed in God’s Grace Dwelling At Magnesia (Magnesians)
8.Letter of Ignatius to the Holy Church Dwelling At Tralles (Trallians)
9.Letter of ignatius to the Sanctified Church Dwelling At Rome (Ig. Romans)
10.Letter of Ignatius to the Church Dwelling At Philadelphia Established in the Harmony of God (Philadelphians)
11.Letter of Ignatius to the Church Dwelling At Smyrna Adorned with Holiness (Smyrnaeans)
12.Letter of Ignatius to Polycarp (Polycarp)
13.Book of the Chronicles of the Infancy of Jesus (Infancy Gospel of James)
14.Book of the Chronicles of the Childhood of Jesus (Infancy Gospel of Thomas)
15.Book of the Chronicles of the Infancy and Childhood of Jesus (Infancy Gospel of Matthew)
16.Book of the Proclamation of Barnabas (Gospel of Barnabas)
17.Book of the Proclamation of Bartholomew (Book of the Resurrection by Bartholomew)
18.Book of the Proclamation of Nicodemus (Acts of Pilate and Gospel of Nicodemus)
19.Book of the Proclamation of Gamaliel (Gospel of Gamaliel)
20.Book of the Visions of James (Encomium of John the Baptist)
21.Book of the Visions of Thomas (Apocalypse of Thomas)
22.Book of the Visions of Lazarus (Apocalypse of Lazarus)
23.Book of the Visions of Barthlomew (Questions of Bartholomew)
24.Book of the Words of John (Mysteries of John)
25.Book of the Visions of Stephen (Apocalypse of Stephen)
26.Book of the Visions of Paul (Apocalypse of Paul)
27.Book of the Words of Euriptus (Beheading of John)
28.Book of the Apostles on the Archangels (Enthronement of Michael and Enthronement of Gabriel)
29.Book of the Words of Simon the Eunuch (Homily on Mary Magdelene)
30.Book of the Proclamation of Mary (Apocryphal Gospel of John)
31.Book of the Words of Mary (Syriac Narrative of Mary)
32.Book of the Chronicles of John the Baptist (Life and Martyrdom of John the Baptist by Mark)
33.Book of the Chronicles of Stephen (Acts of Stephen)
34.Book of the Chronicles of James son of Zebedee (Acts of James the Great)
35.Book of the Representation of the New Law (Didascalia)
36.Book of the Priesthood of the New Law (Sinodos and Didache)
37.Book of the Words of Clement (Recognitions and Homilies of Clement)
38.Book of the Divisions of the Jubilees Revealed to Peter (Ethiopian Clement Books 1-2 and Revelation of Peter)
39.Book of the Calculation of the New Law (Ethiopian Clement Books 3-7)
40.Book of the Origins of the Law (Acts of Clement)
41.Book of the Chronicles of Andrew (Acts of Andrew)
42.Book of the Chronicles of Bartholomew (Acts of Bartholomew)
43.Book of the Chronicles of Matthew (Acts of Matthew)
44.Book of the Chronicles of James son of Alphaeus (Acts of James the Less)
45.Book of the Chronicles of Thaddaeus (Acts of Thaddaeus)
46.Book of the Chronicles of Simon of Cana (Acts of Simon)
47.Book of the Chronicles of Matthias (Acts of Matthias)
48.Book of the Chronicles of James (Acts of James the Just)
49.Book of the Chronicles of Jude (Acts of Jude)
50.Book of the Chronicles of Cephas (Acts of Cephas)
51.Book of the Chronicles of Philip the Deacon (Acts of Philip)
52.Book of the Chronicles of Timothy (Acts of Timothy)
53.Book of the Chronicles of Titus (Acts of Titus)
54.Book of the Chronicles of Nereus and Achielleus (Acts of Nereus and Achielleus)
55.Book of the Chronicles of Cornelius (Acts of Cornelius)
56.Book of the Chronicles of Mark (Acts of Mark)
57.Book of the Chronicles of Luke (Acts of Luke)
58.Book of the Chronicles of Aquila (Acts of Aquila)
59.Book of the Chronicles of Ananias (Acts of Ananias)
60.Book of the Chronicles of Longinus (Acts of Longinus)
61.Book of the Chronicles of Hermione (Acts of Hermione)
62.Book of the Chronicles of Zenais and Philonilla (Acts of Zenais and Philonilla)
63.Book of the Chronicles of Heraclides of Tamasus (Acts of Heraclides of Tamasus)
64.Book of the Chronicles of Auxibius (Acts of Auxibius)
65.Book of the Chronicles of Zoesimus (History of the Rechabites)

The Apocrypha Printed in Bibles. Despite doubts, the Council of Rome (382) affirmed the apocryphal books as canonical. And in response to the Reformation and Martin Luther’s views on the Apocrypha, the Council of Trent (1546) further affirmed nearly all of Latin Vulgate as canonical, including most of the apocryphal books. Biblical literature - Biblical literature - The Christian canon: The Christian church received its Bible from Greek-speaking Jews and found the majority of its early converts in the Hellenistic world. The Greek Bible of Alexandria thus became the official Bible of the Christian community, and the overwhelming number of quotations from the Hebrew Scriptures in the New Testament are derived from it.

Question: 'What are the Apocrypha / Deuterocanonical books?'
Books Roman Catholic Bibles have several more books in the Old Testament than Protestant Bibles. These books are referred to as the Apocrypha or Deuterocanonical books. The word apocrypha means “hidden,” while the word deuterocanonical means “second canon.” The Apocrypha/Deuterocanonicals were written primarily in the time between the Old and New Testaments. The books of the Apocrypha include 1 Esdras, 2 Esdras, Tobit, Judith, Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch, the Letter of Jeremiah, Prayer of Manasseh, 1 Maccabees, and 2 Maccabees, as well as additions to the books of Esther and Daniel. Not all of these books are included in Catholic Bibles.

Book Of Adam And Eve Apocrypha

The nation of Israel treated the Apocrypha / Deuterocanonical books with respect, but never accepted them as true books of the Hebrew Bible. The early Christian church debated the status of the Apocrypha / Deuterocanonicals, but few early Christians believed they belonged in the canon of Scripture. The New Testament quotes from the Old Testament hundreds of times, but nowhere quotes or alludes to any of the Apocryphal / Deuterocanonical books. Further, there are many proven errors and contradictions in the Apocrypha / Deuterocanonicals. Here are a few websites that demonstrate these errors:

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Apocryphal Books Of Adam And Eve

The Apocrypha / Deuterocanonical books teach many things that are not true and are not historically accurate. While many Catholics accepted the Apocrypha / Deuterocanonicals previously, the Roman Catholic Church officially added the Apocrypha / Deuterocanonicals to their Bible at the Council of Trent in the mid 1500s A.D., primarily in response to the Protestant Reformation. The Apocrypha / Deuterocanonicals support some of the things that the Roman Catholic Church believes and practices which are not in agreement with the Bible. Examples are praying for the dead, petitioning “saints” in Heaven for their prayers, worshiping angels, and “alms giving” atoning for sins. Some of what the Apocrypha / Deuterocanonicals say is true and correct. However, due to the historical and theological errors, the books must be viewed as fallible historical and religious documents, not as the inspired, authoritative Word of God.